i like photos.

I always have.

I remember seeing my dad’s camera and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. A magical box that could capture the world with a click of the button.

I loved flipping through photo albums and asking questions about the stories they told.

As a teen, I was ‘that friend’ who always had a camera and snapped photos every chance I got.

After I became a mom, the photo taking went up a notch but I realized the pictures in my head were not the same as the ones that came out of my camera.

So I learned. One photo class led to another.

A whole world opened up for me. One where I could express what I had to say without ever uttering a word. Photography helps me make sense of the world around me and my place in it. To connect with who I am.

My work explores identity, emotion and memory. By taking a photograph and turning into into something new, I am exploring the relationship between the things we see, what may have been left behind and what is to come.


photo: Beryl Young